ECG Holter

ECG Holter

Patch ECG

This device, which makes continuous ECG recording, acts as a long-term Holter. In other words, it allows the patient's ECG to be seen on the smart mobile phone, as well as transmitting and reporting it to the Doctor via cloud technology. In cases where the patient does not feel well, he or she communicates with the Doctor, allowing the ECG to be seen immediately. The device, which can record and report ECG automatically for up to 3 weeks, can be used after a heart attack, after heart surgery, in the follow-up of stent insertion or rhythm disorders, and even in all heart patients.

    • avatar
      Richard Muldoone
      Feb 28, 2017 - 08:07 pm

      The example about the mattress sizing page you mentioned in the last WBF can be a perfect example of new keywords and content, and broadening the funnel as well. I can only imagine the sale numbers if that was the site of a mattress selling company.

      • avatar
        Mike Dooley
        Feb 28, 2017 - 08:22 pm

        The example about the mattress sizing page you mentioned in the last WBF can be a perfect example of new keywords and content, and broadening the funnel as well. I can only imagine the sale numbers if that was the site of a mattress selling company.

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